Friday, March 01, 2013

I Want To Write You

Plum Blossoms, Victoria.
Gillian Cornwall, 2010.

I have selected a love poem, written almost 20 years ago, to engage your senses as you head into the weekend. I am writing to you today as I will not be available at my regular Sunday posting time. May you all have a beautiful weekend as we head into spring on the Canadian west coast, as each blossom opens itself to you.

I want to engage your senses
Want you to peel my poem from its paper
Smell me in the words
Taste me in the rhythm
Let each letter I loosen 
Probe your private ear - hot and vital

I want to write you a 'wonder pillow'
On which to rest your weary head
A poultice pillow to draw out history's poison
A pillow of words to offer comfort 
And protection through the night

I want to write you a hardhat and toolbox
Solid words to deflect the pain of everyday life
And a mighty saw to cut through the prison bars of the past

I want to write you a candlelit bath
Tranquility and ritual
A clean safe place to be

I want to write you a holiday
Where, in the midst of the turmoil
There lies a middle ground
Where wildflowers gently sway
As the wind whispers a song 
Of the secrets of the universe
Where every moment is yours

-Gillian Cornwall, July 6, 1993.

The Olympic Range at Sunset
Gillian Cornwall, 2011.

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